The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (2024)

Discover a new guide for The Twilight Forest Mod Wiki. Twilight Forest Mod adds a huge dimension of giant structures in Minecraft. Each structure is colossal in size and will lead you to a very difficult boss. There are lots of new gear to craft and even unique items to use. Dungeons filled with mazes and obstacles will give you quite a challenge.


Mod type:

  • Biomes
  • Cosmetic
  • Mobs
  • Structures

The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (1)

The Twilight Forest Mod

This mod adds a new biome as well as two new structures appearing in the Twilight Forest. There are new mobs that appear and can be killed to craft materials for new armor. There’s also a giant Yeti boss that drops materials for epic armor and even ice bombs.

This mod also adds a new boss appearing in Aurora Palace called Snow Queen. In the Thornlands Biome, you will also find new structures, and find them in the sky with the giants that inhabit that world.

“Imagine walking through a portal into a semi-dark world, filled with trees as far as the eye can see. Breathtaking views and amazing discoveries await you at every corner. But let’s go. Be careful! Not all forest dwellers respond lightly to your intrusion.”


Twilight Forest is an adventure-focused dimensional exploration mod that will take you on a journey to meet strange creatures, explore dungeons, and more. Some of the key features include:

  • Full official dungeon.
  • Diverse boss battles with complex mechanics.
  • Treasures and loot with unique characteristics and functions.
  • Street credit; OG 2011 revised representative!
  • Continuous development. We never stop!
  • To start using the mod you need to first create a portal to access the Twilight Forest, after doing so you are ready to explore!
  • IKEA DIY portal set

The gate can be assembled to any shape and size you want, the image above is only a minimum size requirement and the gate can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes. The portal works as long as the following conditions are met:

Frames are made from Grass, Dirt, Podzol, Mycelium, and more.
On the grass are flowers, mushrooms, leaves, trees, etc.
The frame must be filled with water.

The Twilight Forest Wiki

The Twilight Forest kingdom is an endless world like any other Minecraft dimension, except this dimension has a dense jungle density. It has more of a theme and feeling of enchantment, fairy tale, and myth than the Overworld.

The sky is always dim and always twilight, casting a darker, slightly bleak color to the world below. A floor consisting of larger Trees shade most of the world below, creating a canopy that covers most of the world (so thick you can actually walk on it in most places).

The canopy was only occasionally pierced by the world’s huge, ceiling-high trees.

  • The terrain is flatter
  • Fewer hills than in regular Minecraft
  • Sometimes you will come across hills
  • Sometimes much higher than the canopy level.

These hills are also hollow, containing Caves filled with valuable ore, treasure, and dangerous monsters. You can also run through various dungeons, bosses, buildings, trees, and loads of unique items during your travels through the realm of the Twilight Forest. There is much to explore.


The following 87 pages fall into this category, out of a total of 87 pages.

  • Anti-builder
  • Aurora Block
  • Aurora Pillar
  • Aurora Slab
  • Auroralized Glass
  • Block of Arctic Fur
  • Block of Carminite
  • Block of Fiery Metal
  • Block of Ironwood
  • Block of Knightmetal
  • Block of Steeleaf
  • Boss Spawner
  • Carminite Builder
  • Carminite Reactor
  • Castle Brick
  • Castle Brick Pillar
  • Castle Brick Stairs
  • Castle Brick Tiles
  • Castle Rune Brick
  • Cicada
  • Cinder Furnace
  • Cinder Log
  • Clover Patch
  • Deadrock
  • Dried Bush
  • Encased Fire Jet
  • Encased Smoker
  • Etched Nagastone
  • Fiddlehead
  • Fire Jet
  • Firefly (block)
  • Firefly Jar
  • Fluffy Cloud
  • Force Field
  • Forest Grass
  • Ghast Trap
  • Giant Cobblestone
  • Giant Leaves
  • Giant Log
  • Giant Obsidian
  • Heart of Transformation
  • Hedge
  • Huge Lily Pad
  • Huge Mushgloom
  • Huge Stalk
  • Huge Water Lily
  • Liveroots
  • Locked Vanishing Block
  • Magic Leaves
  • Magic Saplings
  • Magic Tree Cores
  • Magic Wood
  • Mayapple
  • Mazestone
  • Minewood Core
  • Moonworm
  • Moss Patch
  • Mushgloom
  • Nagastone
  • Nagastone Pillar
  • Nagastone Stairs
  • Reappearing Block
  • Root Strands
  • Roots
  • Slide Trap
  • Smoking Block
  • Sortingwood Engine
  • Spiral Stone Bricks
  • Stronghold Shield
  • Thorn Rose
  • Thorns
  • Timewood Clock
  • Torchberry Plant
  • Towerwood
  • Trollber
  • Trollsteinn
  • Trollvidr
  • Trophy Pedestal
  • Twilight Forest Leaves
  • Twilight Forest Saplings
  • Twilight Forest Wood
  • Uberous Soil
  • Uncrafting Table
  • Underbrick
  • Vanishing Block
  • Vanishing Castle Door
  • Wispy Cloud

The Twilight Forest Mod Items

The following 80 pages are in this category, out of a total of 80 pages.

  • Alpha Yeti Fur
  • Arctic Armor
  • Arctic Fur
  • Armor Shard
  • Armor Shard Cluster
  • Axe
  • Block and Chain
  • Borer Essence
  • Carminite
  • Charm of Keeping
  • Charm of Life
  • Crumble Horn
  • Cube of Annihilation
  • Diamond Minotaur Axe
  • Ender Bow
  • Experiment 115
  • Fiery Armor
  • Fiery Blood/Fiery Tears
  • Fiery Ingot
  • Hoe
  • Hydra Chop
  • Hydra Trophy
  • Ice Bomb
  • Ice Bow
  • Ironwood Armor
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Knight Phantom Trophy
  • Knightly Armor
  • Knightly Axe
  • Knightly Pick
  • Knightly Shield
  • Knightmetal Ingot
  • Knightmetal Loop
  • Lamp of Cinders
  • Liveroot
  • Magic Beans
  • Magic Map
  • Magic Map Focus
  • Maze Map
  • Maze Map Focus
  • Maze Wafer
  • Maze/Ore Map
  • Mazebreaker
  • Meef Steak
  • Meef Stroganoff
  • Minoshroom Trophy
  • Moonworm Queen
  • Naga Armor
  • Naga Scale
  • Naga Trophy
  • Ore Magnet
  • Ore Meter
  • Peaco*ck Feather Fan
  • Phantom Armor
  • Pickaxe
  • Questing Ram Trophy
  • Raven Feather
  • Raw Ironwood Materials
  • Raw Meef
  • Raw Venison
  • Scepter of Fortification
  • Scepter of Life Draining
  • Scepter of Twilight
  • Seeker Bow
  • Shovel
  • Signed Book
  • Snow Queen Trophy
  • Steeleaf
  • Steeleaf Armor
  • Sword
  • Talisman of the Cube
  • Torchberries
  • Tower Key
  • Transformation Powder
  • Tri-bow
  • Twilight Lich Trophy
  • Ur-Ghast Trophy
  • Venison Steak
  • Yeti Armor
  • Zombie Scepter


The following 53 pages are in this category, out of a total of 53 pages.

  • Adherent
  • Alpha Yeti
  • Bighorn Sheep
  • Block and Chain Goblin
  • Carminite Broodling
  • Carminite Ghastguard
  • Carminite Ghastling
  • Carminite Golem
  • Cave Troll
  • Death Tome
  • Dwarf Rabbit
  • Fire Beetle
  • Firefly (mob)
  • Forest Raven
  • Giant
  • Goblin Knight
  • Harbinger Cube
  • Hedge Spider
  • Helmet Crab
  • Hostile Wolf
  • Hydra
  • King Spider
  • Knight Phantom
  • Kobold
  • Maze Slime
  • Minoshroom
  • Minotaur
  • Mist Wolf
  • Mosquito Swarm
  • Naga
  • Penguin
  • Pinch Beetle
  • Questing Ram
  • Redcap Goblin
  • Redcap Sapper
  • Roving Cube
  • Skeleton Druid
  • Slime Beetle
  • Snow Guardian
  • Snow Queen
  • Squirrel
  • Stable Ice Core
  • Swarm Spider
  • Tiny Bird
  • Towerwood Borer
  • Twilight Lich
  • Twilight Wraith
  • Unstable Ice Core
  • Ur-Ghast
  • Wild Boar
  • Wild Deer
  • Winter Wolf
  • Yeti

The Twilight Forest Mod Locations

The following 40 pages are in this category, out of a total of 40 pages.

  • Aurora Palace
  • Biomes
  • Caves
  • Cloud Cottage
  • Dark Forest
  • Dark Forest Center
  • Dark Tower
  • Deep Mushroom Forest
  • Dense Twilight Forest
  • Enchanted Forest
  • Final Castle
  • Final Plateau
  • Fire Swamp
  • Firefly Forest
  • Glacier
  • Goblin Knight Stronghold
  • Hedge Maze
  • Hollow Hill
  • Hydra Lair
  • Labyrinth
  • Landmarks
  • Lich Tower
  • Magic Trees
  • Mushroom Castle
  • Mushroom Forest
  • Naga Courtyard
  • Oak Savannah
  • Quest Grove
  • Snowy Forest
  • Spooky Forest
  • Thornlands
  • Troll Caves
  • Twilight Clearing
  • Twilight Forest
  • Twilight Forest Trees
  • Twilight Highlands
  • Twilight Lake
  • Twilight Stream
  • Twilight Swamp
  • Yeti Lair

The Twilight Forest Mod Progression

Off the Path

Please note that not every adventure area in the dimension is tied to a progression system. Hedge Maze, Hollow Hills, Quest Grove, as well as the various single room buffers and zones, are not part of the progression system. These areas can be handled if they are positioned, in an open world adventure style. You can also disable progress, that is you must set the game rule TFEnforcedProgression to false.

Evolution effect

  • Deviating from the path outlined in the progression system can have some effects designed to discourage adventurers. The way forward will feel the ill effects of the adventurers living out.

Protect the area

The main effects are:

  • Dungeons or other areas that are not currently unlocked will be protected in the adventure world.
  • Blocks in the protected area will be hard to break
  • Chests will be locked and monsters will not be able to take damage.

Protect biomes

  • In addition to protecting the area, entire biomes around the progression area can be protected. Protected biomes have prominent weather effects that cover the entire biome. There can also be various negative effects, such as conditions or damage that affect players sneaking into protected biomes.

The Adventure Begins

The first steps in the progression system begin with creating a portal and entering the Twilight Forest. From there, you’ll want to establish your foothold in the jungle, possibly creating a makeshift base. Creating a Magic Map can point you in the right direction If you can find some towers and dungeons without any help.

Forest Boss

There can be more than one of the bosses, or the first few bosses, which can be found randomly in the jungle. On one map and killing more than one will not affect your progress.

Boss structures are usually in the center of a biome. If you’ve created a Magic Map, there’s a good chance you’ll find these bosses in the center of the map.


  • Naga can be found in a courtyard decorated with snake motifs. There are very few Naga obstacles and in the Yard they can be easily broken.
  • Killing Naga and touching one of its magic scales will allow you to enter the next area.

The Twilight Lich

Twilight Lich can be found inside his Lich Tower, a large complex with many branching towers found in the forest. The only way is to defeat Naga because the Tower is protected by a spell, It prevents breaking the blocks completely and harming the enemy.

Will open up three areas to explore next if Kill the Lich and obtain one of his magical staffs:

  • The Swamp
  • The Dark Forest
  • The Snow Forest.
  • swamp adventure

Swamp Adventures

The next stage of your adventure takes place in the Swamp. The swamp is overrun with mosquitoes, and you’ll have to defeat the Lich to fight the swamp disease.


  • There are several Mazes buried under the swamp. You can find a natural entrance through an abyss or cave, or you can find the entrance in a small mound. More information is available on the Maze page. Your goal is to find and destroy the Minoshroom.
  • Killing Minoshroom and eating some of his Meef Stroganoff will allow you to enter the Fire Swamp without getting burned.


  • The fearsome Hydra is found in the renovated Hollow Hill in the middle of the Fire Swamp. Good luck! If you survive, contact Hydra’s Blood and Fire and the Swamp phase of the adventure will be complete.

Dark Forest

As if the area wasn’t dark and confusing enough, a curse would severely limit the view of any unprepared adventurer. Killing a Lich will make an adventurer immune to this curse. The Dark Forest is dangerous, but your first mission is to locate the ruins of the Twilight Knights Fortress.

Twilight Knight Fortress

  • Beneath the Forest of Shadows (and sometimes the surrounding areas) is the Fallen Fort of the Twilight Knights. You will have to find a specific room in the ruins above the stronghold. The room contains a Cup Stand and a shallow pit blocked by Stronghold Shields.
  • Once inside the main part of the stronghold, you will eventually have to find the Phantom Knights to continue. Sending ghosts to their final resting place will cause the Dark Tower’s eerie devices to obey you.

Dark Forest Tower

  • The Dark Tower is found in a central area with red, autumn leaves and faded grass. The Dark Tower is the site of many long-term experiments. Ur-Ghast has taken over the top of the tower and must be defeated to complete the Dark Forest stage of the adventure.

Snow forest and glacier

The Snow Forest is guarded by the semi-gentle Snowman and the fearsome Winter Wolf. If you’re not prepared, the area’s extreme cold will slow you down. The adventurers who defeated the Lich wouldn’t have to worry about this effect.

Snowman’s lair

  • These slightly square-shaped hills are located near the center of the snow forest areas. There are four natural entrances. Inside you can find a swarm of snowmen, ruled by the giant Alpha Yeti. Defeating Alpha Yeti in battle and claiming some of his fluff will make Glacier available to you.

Photovoltaic palace

  • This colorful tower is located in the heart of Glacier. A variety of icy creatures reside in the tower, while the Snow Queen waits in an ice-covered room near the top. She will attack with a barrage of icy attacks and is protected by an ice shield. Defeating the Snow Queen in battle completes the Snow Forest phase of the adventure.

The Plateau and the Last Summit

Once the adventurer has defeated Hydra, Ur-Ghast, and the Snow Queen, the acid rain surrounding the Plateau will dissipate. While the scenery is beautiful, you’ve probably come here to fight monsters and claim treasure. You will have to move back and forth to different landmarks in the area to progress.

Troll cave

  • Troll Cave is located below the highlands. These include tunnel-type caves and vast underground rooms. Your first destination is the underground mushroom garden. Inside a small obsidian cellar, you’ll find a chest containing the troll’s treasure, the Magic Bean.

House in the clouds

  • With luck, planting Magic Beans in a patch of Porous Soil will send a spiral bean plant to the bottom of the upper clouds. Up in the cloud you will find a small house with some Giants patrolling nearby. Grab whatever treasure you can, but you’ll need the Giant’s Pickaxe to continue.
  • With the Giant’s Pickaxe, you can open the giant obsidian vault in the center of the Troll Cave. Inside the vault you will find the Coal Lamp. The power of the lamp can burn thorns in the nearby Thornlands.

Thorny land

  • The giant vines in the Thornlands are nearly impenetrable. Fortunately, Coal Lamps can burn them to ashes. There is nothing here to fight, but one must be careful when moving through Thorns.

The last plateau

  • Of course, after going through all that, there’s a big, white, majestic castle atop the plateau: The Final Castle. There’s hardly anything in it, but perhaps someday in the future, there will be.

The Twilight Forest Mod Update History

1.20.1Jul 10, 202322.0 MB
1.19.4Apr 24, 202322.6 MB
1.19.3Jan 25, 202322.5 MB
1.19.2Aug 9, 202222.2 MB
1.19.1Aug 9, 202222.2 MB
1.18.2Jun 1, 202231.4 MB
1.17.1Nov 21, 202130.8 MB
1.16.5Apr 5, 202129.8 MB
1.12.2Oct 11, 20174.1 MB
1.7.2Feb 8, 20153.4 MB
1.7.2Jul 7, 20203.1 MB
1.6.2Jul 7, 20202.8 MB
1.6.2Jul 7, 20202.7 MB
1.5.2Jul 7, 20202.7 MB
1.5.1Jul 7, 20202.4 MB
1.4.2Jul 25, 20213.00 MB
1.3.2Jul 7, 20202.0 MB
1.2.2Jul 7, 2020290.3 KB
1.1.2Jul 7, 2020217.7 KB

The Twilight Forest is one of the best mods that MC Wiki has just updated to the Minecraft Mods list


The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (2) The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (3) The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (4) The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (5) The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (6)

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Current Owner: Benimatic

The Twilight Forest Mod - Minecraft - MC Wiki (2024)


Did they ever finish the Twilight Forest mod? ›

The Final Castle is the final stage of the Twilight Forest mod. It is currently unfinished. Other languages: Deutsch.

Can you break a twilight forest portal? ›

To deactivate a portal, either break one of the portal blocks, or destroy one of the blocks around the edge or below the portal. Destroying the flowers have no effect on the portal after it is made.

What is the order of the mobs in the twilight forest? ›

Naga->Lich->Minoshroom->Hydra->Phantom->Ur-Ghast->Yeti->Ice Queen. The Twilight Forest achievement page and the books dropped by kobolds have hints on how to proceed.

What is the final boss in Twilight Forest? ›

1013, a Kobold with the name "Final Boss" was added in the protected area on top of the Final Castle. Despite the name, it does not influence progress or grant any achievements.

What is the strongest weapon in twilight forest mod? ›

Glass Sword | The Twilight Forest Wiki | Fandom.

Does the Naga Respawn twilight forest? ›

Spawning. The Naga can be found at the Naga Courtyard. When the player approaches the courtyard for the first time, the Naga will spawn in. If the difficulty is set to Peaceful, the Naga will despawn and it's spawner will return.

What is the easiest boss in twilight forest? ›

Nagas are the easiest and most simple of the bosses. They are a large snake, and as a Naga loses health it becomes shorter. Nagas attack by lunging at the player, which is telegraphed by the Naga stopping briefly and making a hissing sound.

Why can't i hit mobs in twilight forest? ›

Do you have the areas unlocked? You need to follow the twilight forests progression system in order to kill each boss. The naga is the first boss. Also some mobs like the twilight Lich cant be shot with arrows and have to be defeated by hitting back his projectile.

Can you make the twilight forest portal bigger? ›

As of Version 3.5. 263, the portal can be any shape and size, as long as there is at least 4 blocks but no more than 64 blocks of water. Then throw a diamond in and stand back! It is also possible to use Podzol, Coarse Dirt or Mycelium for the portal, as long as it is under the dirt tag and has plants ontop of it.

What does the charm of keeping do in Twilight Forest? ›

Charms of Keeping aid the player by preventing the loss of some or all items upon death, which consumes one Charm per death. Charms of Keeping activate if they are in any slot of a player's inventory, and can stack to 64. Additionally, the highest-level Charm is consumed upon death.

How to tame mist wolf? ›

Mist Wolf Taming - Mist wolves can now be tamed. This requires the player to hold a scepter in their off-hand while having bones held in their main hand. The mist wolf will only accept the bones when it doesn't have an attack target, which will most likely require the player to build a taming enclosure.

Where is the Hydra Twilight Forest? ›

The Hydra is a boss mob of the Twilight Forest. It inhabits the Hydra Lair in the Swamp or Fire Swamp.

How to get glass sword in Twilight Forest? ›

The Glass Sword is a weapon that can occasionally be found in Aurora Palaces. Glass Swords cannot be crafted, and have no skills. Glass Sword has the highest damage rating of all swords in the Twilight Forest, rating at 40 damage.

What does a moon dial do in Twilight Forest? ›

The Moon Dial is a rare item that acts similar to the Clock. Instead of showing the Day/Night cycle, the Moon Dial will show the 8 different phases of the Moon cycle. When hovered over, the Moon Dial will show the current phase of the Moon in text.

How to get rid of forcefield twilight forest? ›

Force Fields are blocks added by Twilight Forest. They are found in the Final Castle and are placed to impede the player's progress inside the building. They are indestructible and cannot be harvested or crafted by players.

Does Optifine break twilight forest? ›

Several issues arise between Optifine and Twilight Forest, such as maps not displaying correctly, visual oddities with the skybox due to shaders, or crash. Most issues relating between the two mods is often caused by Optifine, and cannot be fixed on the Twilight Forest side of things.

How do you unlock the final plateau in twilight forest? ›

Anyone who wishes to gain access will need to acquire a powerful Lamp of Cinders in order to burn a path through the thorns in order to reach the summit.

How to beat Twilight Lich? ›

The Twilight Lich can be damaged and killed by its own fireball explosions or by a Fire Staff. The Twilight Lich minion clones can't take damage. (Possible bug) Using an Ender Giant Sword, the Lich minions were easily defeated in 2-3 hits.

What to do after Lich in the Twilight Forest? ›

The Twilight Lich

Killing the Lich and obtaining one of his magical scepters will open up three areas to explore next: The Swamp, The Dark Forest and The Snow Forest.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6233

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.