I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (2025)

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  • Design and Features
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  • Final Verdict: Should You Buy the Gillette Labs Heated Razor?
  • More of Our Favorite Razors and Shavers

FRANKLY, WHEN IT comes to cartridge razors, innovation is lacking. Apart from changing the number of blades and a few tweaks here and there (like lubrication strips), most are pretty similar, and you know exactly what you're going to get. As a grooming editor who has tried dozens and dozens of razors, it’s pretty hard to impress me when it comes to these classic shavers, which is what makes the Gillette Labs Heated Razor so exciting—and refreshing.

Gillette Labs Heated Razor Starter Kit

I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (1)

  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (2)Heats up in less than a second
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (3)Sturdy design
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (4)Variable heat settings
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (5)High number of blades in cartridges
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (6)Can be used with any shaving cream
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (7)Cartridges and heated bar are waterproof
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (8)Sensitive skin may need to be careful with heat settings
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (9)Replacement cartridges are expensive compared to others
  • I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (10)Handle isn't waterproof
Battery LifeUp to six shaves
Blade Refills Included?Yes
Charging Station Included?Yes

Admittedly, when I first heard about the Gillette Labs Heated Razor, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure how adding heat to a cartridge razor would make it better or if it would really work at all. I was apprehensive that the heated element was yet another gimmick by Big Razor to get us to buy into something more expensive but no more effective.

Boy, was I wrong. It was apparent the moment I took it out of the box that this was something special thanks to the weighty aluminum handle that feels way more luxurious than your average plastic razor, and the minimalist aesthetic complete with a sleek charging station. But it was really the first shave with the Heated Razor that sealed the deal for me. I have shaved with so many razors in my time, but this is easily the most comfortable, effective, and innovative cartridge razor I’ve ever used. It's no surprise that the product's found itself at the top of our overall razor rankings.

Not only was the actual shaving experience smooth and pleasant, but it left my skin feeling smoother and softer than any razor I have ever used, not to mention completely irritation-free. While it’s not entirely without its downfalls, they are few and far between compared to the positive elements. If you’re looking for the most comfortable, smoothest, and luxurious shave you can get at home, the Heated Razor is your ticket.


Design and Features

The sleek, modern design of the Gillette Labs Heated Razor is beautifully minimalist. The handle is made from aluminum and is slightly larger than your typical cartridge razor (it has to house a battery inside of it after all) and is heavier, too. It feels solid in your hand and you can grip it easily. Unlike flimsier plastic handles, this weightier handle feels like a luxury item. The head moves side to side thanks to the round Adaptive FlexDisc design at the top (basically a large circle) that gives it a cool futuristic look, but also helps the razor to adapt to the contours of your face for a closer shave.

I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (11)

When the razor is charged and in use, the power button glows red in a mirror to the larger circle on top, connected by an illuminated line. When it’s charging on the included station (a minimalist metal disc that the handle magnetically attaches to), both the butt and the line pulse with white light. The entire thing looks like something out of "Tron." The overall effect is cool, futuristic and nothing I’ve seen in a razor like this before.

The heat element comes from a metal bar that’s integrated into the razor cartridge, which also houses five blades. The heated bar is at the bottom of the razor, so as you drag it across your skin, it heats and softens skin and hair before the blades cut. This way, the hair is cut more easily (because it’s softer) and your skin is left feeling smoother. In my experience, this also helps prevent pulling, nicking, and cutting since the blades don’t have to work as hard to cut through the hair. The heat comes in two variable settings (109 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit) which allow you a bit of customization.


I found that the experience was essentially the same with both heat settings, so which one you use really comes down to personal preference (I typically just keep it on the lowest). The cartridges are also waterproof, but the handle isn’t so you can’t use it in the shower. This is no big deal in my book since I think using it in the shower would cut down on the feeling and effectiveness of the heat.

What that does mean, however, is that you can run it under the faucet to clean the razor, which is a good thing. Other than that, there aren’t any additional features, but that’s also OK by me. The reason to buy and use this is the heated element, and I believe packing it full of more features would ruin the minimalist aesthetic and effectiveness of the shaving experience.


As I’ve already alluded to, the shave I got with the Gillette Heated Razor (even the very first one) is unlike any other. I’m not too proud to admit that I was wrong about the heated element—it’s far from a gimmick. In fact, it actually does improve both the feeling and the quality of the shave exponentially. I first thought that putting a piece of heated metal directly onto your skin would be uncomfortable or worse, a recipe for disaster, but I found that the heat is gentle and pleasant, even at the higher setting (though personally, I prefer the lower one).

I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (12)

That said, if you have very sensitive skin, you’ll likely want to be a little careful at first until you see how your skin reacts, and should probably avoid the higher setting altogether. No matter what setting though, the heated element feels comfortable and soothing on the skin and helps to minimize scratching, nicking, pulling, and cutting that can sometimes happen while shaving.

I'm also not always a fan of multi-blade razors, especially with a large amount like the five in this one, because I tend to get more irritation and ingrown hairs. However, I found that I didn’t get any irritation at all from using this razor and the amount of ingrown hairs was exponentially less than I usually get (I still got a few here and there, but that’s the nature of my beard). After the shave, my skin felt smoother and softer than any other cartridge razor I’ve ever used. The brand likens the experience to a hot towel shave and while I can say it has a similar feeling, it’s not exactly the same. However, it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten on my own at home.



Since the Gillette Labs Heated Razor Starter Kit retails at $149.99—though, it's currently priced 33 percent off at $100—this is undeniably a luxury item. It can be hard to wrap your head around paying that much for what could be considered a glorified cartridge razor. However, the shave that this delivers is unparalleled for a cartridge razor so if you shave every day, or at least a few times a week, with a regular cartridge razor, it could be worth the investment to drastically improve your everyday shaving experience. It could be worth it even more if you find regular shaving uncomfortable, struggle with ingrown hairs, or regularly deal with post-shave irritation.

It’s also worth noting that you must use blade refills that are compatible with the Heated Razor, which can get a little expensive compared to your usual cartridge refills. They run around $35 for a pack of six (for reference, you can get 12 Gillette Fusion 5 refills for about the same price). The blades don’t technically last longer than others, though I did find that the heated element does help slightly prolong the use by one or maybe two shaves. I wouldn’t classify the Heated Razor as a value proposition, but if you’re willing to pay a premium for a truly great shave, it could be worth the investment for you.

I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (13)

How to Clean

Since the cartridges and heated bar are waterproof, cleaning the Heated Razor is easy. You simply run it under warm running water. However, I did find that if you use an especially thick shaving cream, it’s harder to rinse off since the blades are close together and the cream tends to get stuck on the heated bar. I found that using a thinner shaving cream or a foam, as well as keeping the heat turned on while cleaning, makes it easier.

Final Verdict: Should You Buy the Gillette Labs Heated Razor?

While this is certainly a luxury razor and not a value play, I believe that the Gillette Labs Heated Razor is the best cartridge razor on the market based on shave quality, comfort, ease of use, and innovative technology. I’ve truly never used a better cartridge razor and, while I personally don’t use a cartridge razor to shave every day, this is the one I use when I do. If you can swing the luxury price of the starter kit, as well as the more expensive refills, it’s one of the best investments you can make in your grooming routine.


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I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (14)

Reviewed bySean Zucker

Commerce Editor

Sean Zucker is the Grooming Commerce Editor at Men's Health. He brings over half a decade of experience covering health, wellness, and lifestyle. When Sean's not writing about hair products, you can find him running for exercise, or toward the nearest food truck.

I'm a Grooming Editor and This Is the Most Comfortable Razor I've Tried (2025)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.